Most popular blog posts of 2016

As 2016 winds down, we take a look at what was most popular on the Skogrand PR Solutions Blog this year: A firsthand account of the Brussels aftermath Six public relations trends for 2016 Brands that have succeeded with influencer marketing Focus on the customer for omni-channel marketing success Color psychology: The new game changer…

How to write a fact sheet

As the media are constantly on deadline, it’s imperative to have materials about your client or organization ready ahead of media outreach. One type of document to have ready is a PR fact sheet. To that end, here are some insights on how to write a fact sheet. A PR fact sheet typically is one…

Building relationships with reporters

In the “old days” (up until probably the late 1970s/early 1980s), Minneapolis public relations professionals often connected with reporters at a local watering hole. In the decades since then, both public relations professionals and reporters have become busier as their organizations have worked to trim expenses by doing more with less. Meeting a reporter in…

Church public relations

Churches often have exciting events and initiatives, but it can be challenging for them to land media coverage. Why? A number of factors. There might not be enough volunteers. The volunteers might not know how to reach out to the media. (I suggest my public relations book for insight.) The event or initiative might not appeal…